A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market
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  What are the most common occupations?  

There are ten broad occupational groups that are used to describe the different types of jobs that people have. You’ll find a detailed description of these groups in Appendix 2.

Each industry employs people in a variety of occupations, which can involve a broad range of skill levels. For example, the health care industry employs managers, doctors, nurses, other health care professionals, trained technical workers like x-ray technicians, and cooks, cleaners, laundry workers, and workers in many other types of occupations. While some of them (such as managers and administrators) could be employed in any industry, others have training or skills that are very specific to health care services.

One in four BC workers is employed in a sales or service occupation. This includes workers in retailing, food services and accommodation, as well as those employed in protective and other service occupations. Examples of the types of jobs in this category include sales people, clerks, chefs, cooks, butchers, bakers, police officers, tour guides and child care workers.

A quarter of BC’s workers are in sales & service occupations

  Figure 13  
Figure 10

A quarter of BC’s workers are in sales & service occupations.

Data Source: Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)

Workers in business, finance & administrative occupations make up nearly a fifth of the workforce, while one in six are employed as tradespeople (mechanics, plumbers, pipefitters, carpenters, longshore workers, labourers, and so on) or transportation equipment operators.

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A Guide to the BC Economy and Labour MarketA Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market